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Take your digital services to the next level with low code BPM
Build innovative, user-centric experiences with complete control.
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Manual processes and disconnected systems can stifle productivity and hinder growth. We understand the challenges you face, and we’re here to help. Drawing on years of experience and a proven track record of success, we specialize in helping organizations identify, prioritize, reengineer, and automate their business processes.

We offer a comprehensive automation approach that transforms your business processes, enabling you to achieve operational excellence and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

Process Re-engineering Digital Platform Connected Systems Continuous Improvement
PURPOSE Understand & Optimize Existing Business Processes & User Journey Build Digital Channel for Communication & Service Fulfilment Interoperability between different internal departments & external Ministry applications Measure Services Performance & Innovate New Delivery Models.
DIGITAL BACKBONE Process Modeler & Simulation UI Framework & BPM Engine API Framework & Connectors Extendibility
KEY OBJECTIVES To reduce response times and improve process & workforce efficiency To Improve Customer Growth & Retention with Superior User Experience. Seamless Data Exchange between Internal & External applications Continuous Improvement & Extend the Platform to Emerging Technologies

Our expertise shines through our implementation of no code and headless BPM engines – game-changers in modernizing business processes, enabling seamless engagement and unparalleled efficiency. Our structured approach ensures that every aspect of your digital transformation strategy aligns with your business goals, driving transformative results.

Business Outcomes Delivered

60 %

Reduction in response times

~ 0 %

Increase in efficiency

30 %

Faster process development time

~ 0 %

Increase in employee productivity

Automate Shared Services with No code Application Development

Citizen developers can automate onboarding, approvals, and service requests with no-code BPM solution. It covers all shared services center needs like business process automation, document management, KPI management, user experience development – in one unified platform. Further, reduce time to market on development using pre-built connectors to popular ERP’s and business applications such as SAP, Microsoft, etc. Streamline workflows, reduce errors, and free up valuable resources for faster service delivery and reduced costs.

AuraQuantic as a no-code platform for application development and business process management, allows capabilities such as:

  • Business process modelling 
  • Business process management  
  • Global rules management 
  • Document management  
  • Content management  
  • Analytics for process level KPI’s 
  • UI and Forms development  
  • Automatic sync between development, test and production 


All on the fly with visual development possible to do directly by business teams. 

Use cases: Employee onboarding, Finance, Supply Chain, Human Resources

Transform Digital Services with Headless BPM

Transform Digital Services with Headless BPM

Governments, Financial Services and Customer serving organizations face an ever increasing demand from business and customers, alike on customer experience. This puts pressure on technology capabilities to meet extensive user experience needs, manage complex business processes and integrations, documents linked to processes, data and insights. 

So many approaches have been taken from low code to no code to bespoke to popular CRM’s, each having their own technology limitations or closed loop approaches and cost.  

We are here with a unique approach with proven success in country wide implementations, leveraging headless BPM to uniquely meet needs of complex business process management, UX, API and data in a unified approach. Our decoupled architecture ensures seamless integration between the front-end and the intelligent process automation layer, driving better engagement and efficiency throughout the customer journey.   

Some of our unique features in the decoupled architecture allow capabilities such as: 

  • Complex business process modelling, simulation and management  
  • Business activity monitoring & predicting headcount vs. workloads 
  • User experience design and development  
  • Data management  
  • Analytics for decision making  
  • Document management and signatures


Use cases: Government e-services, Healthcare Regulatory Services, Utilities Customer Experience, Customer Onboarding, Municipal Services, Transportation Regulator

Retail Outlook: Technology Trends Driving the Future of Retail

Discover how companies in the retail sector are leveraging low-code/no-code platforms, among other technologies, to craft hyper-personalized customer experiences and streamline operations in our latest whitepaper.

Why choose Intertec?

We offer advanced technology approaches to digital automation allowing business process automation without the need for programming, using the agility of no-code technology. Our Headless BPM with decoupled architecture will help you build customer applications with limitless UX capabilities and best-in-class business process automation.

AuraQuantic no-code BPM is ideal for automating complex business processes as it offers a perfect balance of back/front end and seamlessly integrates with existing systems and new technology, sophisticated business logic, and customizable role-centric experiences, empowering businesses to increase productivity, break down silos, and reduce costs.

Experienced Domain Consultants

Intertec offers seasoned domain consultants adept at understanding and optimizing existing business processes and user journeys. With a focus on process re-engineering, our experts employ advanced techniques to reduce response times and enhance overall process and workforce efficiency.

Strong Digital Backbone for your current and future needs

Intertec provides a robust digital backbone tailored to meet both current and future needs. With expertise in digital platforms, including UI frameworks and BPM engines, Intertec empowers businesses to build superior digital channels for communication and service fulfillment, ultimately driving customer growth and retention through enhanced user experiences.

Managed Complex Integrations with enterprise and bespoke apps

Intertec excels in managing complex integrations between enterprise and bespoke applications. Through our competency in connected systems and leveraging API frameworks and connectors, we ensure seamless data exchange between internal departments and external Ministry applications, fostering interoperability and streamlined operations.

Tailored fit support model to ensure long term partnership

Intertec offers a tailored fit support model designed to nurture long-term partnerships. With a focus on continuous improvement, Intertec measures service performance and innovates new delivery models, ensuring extendibility to emerging technologies and sustaining our commitment to enhancing client success.



Intertec Systems

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