Modernize your legacy applications to maximize the cloud value.
Talk to our experts

Unlocking the full potential of cloud migration requires more than just a simple transfer of existing workloads. Merely ‘lifting and shifting’ won’t surmount the inherent limitations of legacy systems. What’s required is a holistic approach that seamlessly integrates application, infrastructure, and data – a strategy that not only connects but also amplifies the value derived from the cloud.

Intertec specializes in delivering an end-to-end Application Modernization strategy – a defined roadmap that delivers modernization at scale with proven accelerators, whether your applications are based on premises or on public cloud.

Application Modernization Services by Intertec

We provide a comprehensive suite of services to support your modernization journey, helping you achieve enhanced resilience, agility, and innovation without heavy upfront costs.

Assessment & Strategy

Our Enterprise Architecture team collaborates closely with you to craft a replicable modernization strategy. We begin by meticulously assessing your existing applications and environments, preparing them for transformation. Our comprehensive services include:

  • Application assessment 
  • Microservices strategy
  • Containerization and PaaS Services
  • Deployment roadmap  
  • DevSecOps Approach 
Application modernization assessment and strategy services.
Application transformation services include application analysis, business design, microservices creation, rollout strategy, and QA approach.

Application Transformation

Our team thoroughly assesses your application landscape to identify improvement opportunities for modernization. We then implement an end-to-end approach for your application transformation journey, closing the value gap and unlocking next-level cloud outcomes with a holistic “migrate to modernize” strategy. Our robust application transformation program includes:

  • Application analysis 
  • Detailed business design and documentation
  • Microservices creation
  • Application rollout strategy
  • QA Approach

Design & Implementation 

At Intertec, we understand the importance of staying ahead in a fast-paced digital landscape. Our approach involves leveraging pre-built accelerators and templates to ensure rapid and efficient delivery, significantly reducing the time to market. Our team of  experts can help with:

  • Application design 
  • Deployment of underlying application infrastructure
  • Application security
  • Service Mesh Implementation
  • CI/CD 
Rapid app deployment and security with Intertec's accelerators.

Adopt a strategic approach to application modernization.

Let our experts devise a holistic “migrate to modernize” roadmap for you to help you realize the full potential of cloud.

Partner with us to close the cloud value gap and achieve your desired business outcomes.

Intertec Systems