E-Transformation of Health Regulatory Services for Improved Efficiency & UX

Intertec partnered with a health regulatory entity in GCC to revolutionize their digital landscape. With a focus on elevating user experience, improving global ratings, enhancing operational efficiency, and optimizing e-services to eliminate redundancies, the client set out to digitally transform their Licensing, Evaluation, Inspections, and Digital services. Intertec orchestrated a comprehensive transformation, from re-engineering processes to aligning with regulatory standards, and delivered remarkable outcomes: Significant improvements in turnaround times, streamlined customer journeys adhering to TRA & PMO guidelines, and heightened stakeholder satisfaction, leading to improved global ratings. This joint effort marked a pivotal shift towards operational excellence, empowering the client to better serve medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies, and residents across the country.

Business Problem

The client faced numerous business challenges necessitating immediate attention to enhancing service delivery. These issues affected healthcare stakeholders, requiring urgent resolution for improved service delivery. The challenges encompassed the need to improve user experience, expedite process turnaround times, ensure compliance with e-Services Portal standards, manage diverse source systems for data migration, and establish consistent integration approaches. Addressing these complexities was essential for meeting the evolving needs of healthcare stakeholders and enhancing overall service effectiveness.

How Intertec Helped

The client achieved significant transformations across its e-services ecosystem, benefiting employees, healthcare providers, medical professionals, government entities, and citizens through this e-transformation project led by Intertec Systems. The overall solution included:

  • Re-engineering of 60+ business processes for enhanced operational efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Customer journey optimization to ensure a user-friendly experience, aligned with TRA & PMO guidelines.
  • Implementation of Licensing and Evaluation for healthcare providers and professionals.
  • Implementation of digital services such as Treatment Abroad, expanding the service offerings, and catering to resident needs.
  • Orchestrating ~10 integrations to streamline communication and data exchange between systems.
  • Implementation of Field Inspection App to ensure adherence to regulatory standards and enhanced governance.
  • Automation of various business processes to reduce manual effort and improve productivity.
  • Seamless data migration from legacy systems, ensuring data integrity and continuity.
  • Improved operational efficiency by standardizing SLA tracking and enforcement.
  • Streamlined revenue gathering mechanism by implementing robust fee and fine collection functionality thereby increasing the revenues.

Business Outcomes Delivered

With Intertec’s help, the client was able to realize.

  • Improved user experience for citizens and employees thereby leading to improved ranking on the Global Rating System for Services.
  • Reduced process turnaround time significantly for end users.
  • Simplified customer journey on the e-Services Portal in line with TRA & PMO Guidelines.
  • Significant improvement in workforce efficiency with re-engineering and automation.
  • Enhanced visibility on KPI & Performance.


Public Sector – Healthcare

Company size

10,000+ employees

Related Offering

Re-define healthcare services management with Intertec Health Regulatory Platform

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