Quiet Building Solution
Get 100% visibility into your building equipment even when its completely idle or shutdown for unplanned reasons.
Buildings and campus that are closed due to unprecendented reasons are to be manually adjusted to lower occupancy and cope up with new requirements. This leads to lack of visibility into your building’s equipment health and energy consumption causes. It is up to facility engineer to monitor each and every equipment and diagnose the cause of high energy consumption. With “Quiet Building” solution, you can monitor the situation remotely.
Monitor the equipment data remotely while your equipment are running at reduced capacity?
- Monitoring based commissioning provides the facility engineer the information he needs
- With occupancy and advanced analytics, identify leakages, simultaneous heating and cooling, and identify schedules and sequences that are unoptimized
- Monitor and analyze chilled water performance, energy consumption by equipment, etc.
When Your Building is Back to Normal?
- Get access to information such as air flow, outside air, and air change rates once your building is back to normal with the help of same analytics
- Maintain energy consumption levels while ensuring safety and health with the “NEW NORM”

What we offer
- Fast & Easy implementation on Cloud
- HVAC Detection & Optimization
- Equipment Schedule, Sequence detection & Optimization
- Air flow Analysis
- Temperature Analysis
- Leakage valve detection
- Static Pressure variations
- Mechanical Cooling
- Chilled water Systems Detection & Optimization
- Distribution Chiller Temperature & Set point
- Cooling Tower
- Mechanical Cooling
What you get in a minimal cost?
- 100% Visibility on Costly anomalies
- Readiness for the new normal
- Reliability & Safety
- Energy Reduction
- Preventive Maintenance
What we need?
- Export of equipment details with BMS data in an acceptable format
Email: info@intertecsys.com