Transforming operations & experience to be
more responsive.

Leverage emerging technologies to transform how you deliver business value in the digital era.

Our Capabilites

Develop your ability to create powerful solutions that drive digital transformation and reinforce relationships with your customers. Dive into the capabilities of each application and the opportunity it brings to your business.

Low code BPM

Effortlessly automate tasks and design user-centric experiences with our powerful low-code BPM solution.

Al & Analytics

Harness the potential of your data to ensure maximum return on investment. Implement a full-scale data management solution.

Transform Digital Services with Headless BPM

Digital Experience

Deliver a seamless digital experience at machine speed by resolving customer requests using automated services.

Application Development & Management

Unlock your business potential with custom applications tailored to meet your business needs and modernize your IT infrastructure.

Testing as a Service

Minimize your expenses with a more cost-effective solution for software testing that can get the job done without compromising on quality or busting your IT budget.

Software Product Engineering

Intertec Software product and platform engineering services are centered around developing microservices architecture, API-led connectivity, design thinking, agile, and automation to build next-generation software products and digital solutions.  

Solutions by Industry

E-services Platform

With a decoupled architecture and seamless integration capabilities, we empower governments to manage complex business operations and deliver superior user experiences. From meeting TDRA and PMO guidelines to scaling with high performance, our platform redefines digital adoption for streamlined processes and unified document management.


Use Cases

  • Licensing
  • Permits & NOC
  • Evaluation
  • Smart Services
  • Field Inspections
  • Analytics

Intertec Health Regulatory Platform

Intertec Health Regulatory Platform offers a robust solution to help you navigate the convoluted regulatory landscape, ensuring compliance and delivering outstanding customer experience.

utilities platform

Use Cases

  • Evaluation of medical professionals
  • Licensing & registering medical establishments
  • Licensing of Pharmaceutical Establishments
  • Licensing Medical Professionals
  • Inspection & Control Treatment Abroad Request

Integrated Smart Utility Platform

Our utility platform redefines industrial asset management with a unified customer experience and operational excellence, empowering you to enhance reliability, efficiency, and customer satisfaction like never before.

Healthcare Platform

Use Cases

  • New Connection/ Disconnection 
  • Meter Replacement 
  • Account Management 
  • Complaint Management 
  • Billing Management

Digital Platforms for Shared Services

 Our robust and scalable solutions for Shared Services Centers are designed to transform back-office operations with a focus on compliance and efficiency. Built on a low code digital automation platform, our applications streamline processes, reduce risk, and drive continuous improvement.


Use Cases

  • Business Process re-engineering Consulting 
  • BPM Implementation  
  • Integration using built in connectors  
  • Application Support services 
  • Automated Document generation

Business Outcomes Delivered

0 +
Digital Services
0 +
IPs and Industry Accelerators
0 +
0 %
Reduced Response Times

Our Success Stories

Partner Ecosystem