Case Study
RAK Transport Authority Lifts its Customer Service to New Heights via Microsoft Dynamics
As part of the UAE public sector, Ras Al Khaimah Transport Authority (RAKTA) is dedicated to helping Ras Al Khaimah residents access the best transport network (buses, taxis, e-scooters, and shared rides). However, legacy IT kept the Authority stuck in the past, explains Esmaeel Hasan Esmaeel Al-Blooshi, General Manager at RAKTA. “We needed to integrate all our departments working with separate systems in disconnected ways, from finance to customer service, into smart, automated workflows,” he says. “For simplicity and cost advantages, we determined that working in the cloud with Microsoft was the best way to go.”
Operational excellence with innovative ambition
The Authority worked with local Microsoft partner Intertec to combine Microsoft Dynamics 365 ERP and Microsoft Teams, notes Al-Blooshi. The solution—a consolidated, streamlined, and cost-efficient system that facilitates internal communication and enhances external operations—exceeded his goals. The digital platform helps agents to register companies, issue and renew licenses and permits for drivers and vehicles, and in the field, inspect via mobile and issue fines. “Not only does it lift the barriers to operational excellence, it also aligns with world-class technology standards, in keeping with the UAE’s new National Innovation Strategy, which mandates the embedding of an ambitious culture of innovation in all parts of society,” he explains.

Paperless processes for weightless customer service
“Using cloud and Dynamics means our staff can work together anytime, anywhere,” says Muhammed Shameer Eessa, IT and Mobility Solutions Manager at RAKTA. “It also means we have completely eliminated our reliance on paper inside RAKTA, which frees staff of complex reconciliation and data entry tasks. A team member can access the necessary systems from their device wherever they need to be working, and get in real time the most accurate information. Even better, we’ve stopped issuing paper bills and documents to our customers, resulting in more sustainable, but also quicker, customer service.”
“With our new integrated License and Compliance management system, built and implemented by Intertec, a response to a customer service request that might have required up to 6 minutes in the past, now takes 1.4 minutes thanks to Intertec and Microsoft,” confirms Husni Qalalwa, RAK E-Government Project Manager. “This is obviously much better for the customer, and it’s even better for RAKTA. Staff no longer need to move three or four forms for each interaction, meaning we can serve more people in less time. Case in point, day one of our go-live, 200-plus customers were served, with no customers left waiting. A record!”
For the teams, increased efficiency is much more rewarding, notes Al-Blooshi. “Time saved on manual processes is being used to learn new things. We’ve introduced a learning hub called the RAKTA Knowledge Hub, and a weekly ‘Teach me IT‘ session to keep everyone on board with the technology, going over small changes and introducing new features,” he concludes.
This case study was originally published on Microsoft website.
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